Revision Quiz 4
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  1. What 7 things do all living things have in common? (lesson 4a)
  2. Sugar is broken down inside animals and plants to produce energy. What is this process called? (4a)
  3. What gas is needed for the process in question 2? (4a)
  4. Besides energy, what else is produced in the process in question 1? (4a)
  5. Plants make their own food in a process called ---------------. (4a)
  6. Where do plants get the energy they need for food production? (4b)
  7. What is the main difference between a vertebrate and an invertebrate? (4b)
  8. What do all arthropods have in common? (4b)
  9. Name the 5 groups of vertebrates.
  10. To which vertebrate group do the following animals belong? eagle, hamour, monkey, frog, lizard. (4c)
  11. Name the 4 main groups of plants. (4d)
  12. Which two groups of plants produce seeds? (4d)
  13. Name the three main parts of an animal cell and say what each does. (4e)
  14. Chloroplasts are found in plant cells. What do they do? (4e)
  15. What job do the kidneys do? (4f)



  1. They all feed, grow, respire, get rid of waste, move, reproduce, and use senses.

  2. Respiration.

  3. Oxygen.

  4. Carbon dioxide.

  5. Photosynthesis.

  6. Sunlight.

  7. Vertebrates have a backbone, invertebrates do not.

  8. They are invertebrates with jointed legs.

  9. Mammals, fish, reptiles, birds, amphibians.

  10. Birds, fish, mammal, amphibian, reptile.

  11. Mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants.

  12. Conifers and flowering plants.

  13. Nucleus - controls the cell. Cell membrane - controls what passes in and out of the cell. Cytoplasm - the place where the chemical reactions happen in a cell.

  14. They trap energy from the sun in photosynthesis.

  15. They get rid of waste and control water balance.