Revision Quiz 28
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  1. Give 3 ways in which your skeleton helps you. (lesson 28a)
  2. A ----- allows movement where 2 bones meet. (28a)
  3. --------- attach bones to other bones. (28a)
  4. ------- attach muscles to bones. (28b)
  5. When a muscle gets shorter and fatter, we say it ---------. (28b)
  6. When a muscle returns to normal size, we say it -------. (28b)
  7. Name 2 muscles that work as an antagonistic pair. (28b)
  8. Name 2 things that reduce the friction at a joint. (28c)
  9. List 3 things that describe a reflex. (28d)
  10. Your muscles are controlled by messages that pass along ------. (28d)
  11. Name 2 things that could slow down a person's reaction time. (28d)
  12. Name 3 type of sensors found in your skin. (28e0
  13. What is the chemical found in your skin that protects you from ultra-violet light? (28e)
  14. Why are sleeping bags designed to trap air? (28f)
  15. Give 2 jobs done by your kidneys. (28f)


  1. Support, protection and movement.
  2. Joint.
  3. Ligaments.
  4. Tendons.
  5. Contracts.
  6. Relaxes.
  7. Biceps and triceps.
  8. Synovial fluid and cartilage.
  9. Automatic, very quick, protective.
  10. Nerves.
  11. Tiredness, alcohol, drugs.
  12. Touch, pressure, cold, heat, pain sensors.
  13. Melanin.
  14. Air is a poor conductor of heat and so gives good insulation.
  15. Control the amount of water in the body; filter out chemical waste from your blood.