Revision Quiz 18
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  1. You get energy from food during -----------. (lesson 18a)
  2. Complete this equation. sugar + ------ > carbon dioxide + water +energy. (18a)
  3. Which gas gets used up when you breathe? (18b)
  4. What are the tiny bags at the end of the air passages in the lungs called? (18b)
  5. What is the slimy liquid that traps dust and germs when you breathe in? (18b)
  6. Name 3 harmful substances in cigarette smoke. (18c)
  7. Which gas in cigarette smoke stops your blood carrying as much oxygen as it should? (18c)
  8. Which organs in the human body get rid of waste. (18d)
  9. Which organ pumps blood around the body? (18d)
  10. What are the tiniest blood vessels called? (18d)
  11. Blood leaves the heart through a vessel called an ------. (18e)
  12. Which side of the heart has blood containing more oxygen? (18e)
  13. When blood settles out into 2 parts what is the pale yellow liquid called? (18f)
  14. What is the job of red blood cells? (18f)
  15. White is the job of the white blood cells? (18f)


  1. Respiration.
  2. Oxygen.
  3. Oxygen.
  4. Air sacs.
  5. Mucus.
  6. Nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide.
  7. Carbon monoxide.
  8. The kidneys.
  9. The heart.
  10. Capillaries.
  11. Artery.
  12. Left side.
  13. Plasma.
  14. Carry oxygen around the body.
  15. Protect the body from germs.