- An apple has a weight of
about 1N. What does 'N' stand for? (lesson 14a)
- If two forces are
balanced, they must be ----- and --------. (14a)
- A girl is pushing a box
with a force of 80N. There is a friction force of 60N. What is the resultant
force? (14a)
- If the forces on an
object are balanced it either stay ----- or if moving it will carry on
moving at a steady ----- in a -------- line. (14a)
- What is the name of the
force that balances a floating object? (14a)
- What simple shape helps
to make a structure firm and rigid? (14a)
- Some parts of a bridge
are being squashed together. This is called -----------. (14b)
- Some parts of a bridge
are being stretched, they in -------. (14b)
- The larger the weight on
the centre of a bridge the more it will ----. (14c)
- The larger the force
pulling on a spring the more it ---------. (14c)
- Average ----- = distance
travelled/time taken. (14d)
- A horse is galloping at
10m/s. What does m/s stand for? (14d)
- If a horse speeds up it
is ------------. If it slows down it ------------. (14d)
- A boy runs 100m in twenty
seconds. What is his average speed?
- An aeroplane travels
2000km in 2 hours. What is its average speed? (14d)
- Newton.
- Equal and opposite.
- 20N
- Still, speed, straight.
- Upthrust.
- Triangle.
- Compression.
- Tension.
- Bends.
- Stretches.
- Speed.
- metres per second.
- Accelerating,
- 5m/s.
- 1000km/h.