Revision Quiz 2
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  1. Which materials in the the following list are found naturally? wood, slate, polythene, nylon, stone. (Lesson 2a).

  2. Which of these words could be used to describe the properties of a material? big, hard, shiny, round, dense. (2a).

  3. Which materials from the following list are shiny, good conductors of electricity? copper, polythene, gold, oil. (2a).

  4. What is another name for materials that are "made"? (2b).

  5. Write down which are natural and which are the man-made materials from the following list. polyester, cotton, silk, nylon, wool, acrylic. (2b).

  6. A chemical -------- takes place when raw materials are changed into new materials.

  7. What raw materials are used to make most plastics? (2c).

  8. Name 3 fossil fuels. (2c).

  9. What raw material do we get petrol from? (2c).

  10. What is the test for carbon dioxide gas? (2c).

  11. Which materials from the following list are flexible (bendy)? (2d)  sponge, concrete, glass, rubber.

  12. Why is concrete used for pavements? (2e).

  13. Why is glass used for windows? (2e).

  14. Give 2 reasons why Wellington boots are made from rubber. (2e).

  15. Why are electrical wires often coated in plastic? (2e).



  1. Wood, slate, stone.

  2. Hard, shiny, dense.

  3. Copper and gold.

  4. Synthetic.

  5. Natural - cotton, silk and wool. Made - polyester, nylon and acrylic.

  6. Reaction.

  7. Coal, crude oil, natural gas.

  8. Coal, crude oil, natural gas.

  9. Crude oil.

  10. Lime water goes milky (cloudy).

  11. Sponge and rubber.

  12. It is hard (strong).

  13. It is transparent (see-through).

  14. Rubber is waterproof and flexible.

  15. Plastic is a good insulator (does not let electricity pass through it).