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 Recycling club has started off slowly but I hope will 'snowball' as more and more people become more aware of how to help. Feel free to join us - we need the help. Welcome to the Recycling Club at English College. Held in Lab 5 every Monday lunchtime.

We intend to start a recycling scheme within the school which will cut down on waste and make the school more 'environmentally friendly'. You can do as much or as little as you like! Any help is appreciated.

recycle club.JPG (29336 bytes)Here we are with Mr Burrage helping to save the world!!!!!


Hi there.    Welcome to the Warhammer Club which runs in Lab 5 every Sunday lunchtime.

warhammer 1.JPG (16018 bytes)warhammer 2.JPG (16456 bytes)

Come along to join the fun. Elliot is the star of the show and will help you learn all about Warhammer.

Don't worry if you have no Warhammer yet - we will let you practice in the club until you decide. Then you can get your own from Hobbyland in The Beach Centre, Beach Road, Jumeirah 1. (Same building as Burger King - on upper floor at the back)

For the Troll Newsletter to keep you up to date on all Warhammer - go to

For battle info look at                                                    

For online ordering of stuff go to