Unit 9
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What you should know.
  • The properties of solids and liquids.
  • Solids and liquids expand when heated.
  • Solids and liquids contract when cooled.
  • When a solid melts it becomes a liquid.
  • The temperature at which a solids changes to a liquid is called the 'melting point'.
  • The melting point and the freezing point are the same temperature for the same substance.
  • The properties of gases.
  • The names of 5 common gases.
  • The air is about 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen with small amounts of other gases.
  • Oxygen is needed for animas to live.
  • Oxygen relights a glowing splint
  • The 3 states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.
  • Solids and liquids are harder to compress than gases.
  • Everything is made of very small particles.
  • The temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas is called the 'boiling point'.
  • Diffusion is when particles move and mix of their own accord.
  • Particles vibrate in solids, move about in liquids and move faster in gases.
  • Gases diffuse faster than solids and liquids.
  • A solid is said to 'dissolve' if it disappears in a liquid'.
  • The liquid produced when a solid dissolves is called a solution.
  • Solids which dissolve are called soluble.
  • Solids which do not dissolve are called insoluble.





What you should be able to do.
  • Observe differences in the ways that solids and liquids behave.
  • Classify substances as solid or liquids.
  • Use data tables to find melting point values.
  • Make predictions about substances from their melting points.
  • Collect a gas over water.
  •  Make a summary table to show the differences between solids, liquids and gases.
  • Test for oxygen gas.
  • Use an electric balance.
  • Draw diagrams to show the arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases.
  • Use particle diagrams to explain about compressing solids, liquids and gases.
  • Test solids to if are soluble in water.
  • Plan an investigation about dissolving.