Revision Quiz 13
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  1. Use the first key on page 4 of your text book to name the bird that is black and speckled. (lesson 13a)
  2. Use the second key on page 4 of your text book to name the animal that has three pairs of legs and no spots on its body. (13a)
  3. Use the same key to name the animal that has more than 4 pairs of legs. (13a)
  4. Animals and plants have special features that help them to survive in the place they live. What are these special features called? (13b)
  5. How is a limpet adapted to living on the seashore? (13b)
  6. How is the body of a mayfly larva adapted so it is not washed away by fast flowing water? (13b)
  7. Living things compete for --------- that are in short supply. (13c)
  8. List 3 things that weeds compete with crops for. (13c)
  9. Give 2 reasons why dandelions are difficult to remove from a lawn. (13c)
  10. What is a predator? (13d)
  11. Do you find more predators or prey in a habitat? (13d)
  12. What happens to the numbers of predators as the number of prey rise and fall? (13d)
  13. What do you call a group of the same animals living in the same place? (13e)
  14. What is the habitat of a) greenfly and b) herring? (13e)
  15. Populations can grow very quickly. What things can limit population growth? (13e)



  1. Starling.
  2. Ground beetle.
  3. Centipede.
  4. Adaptations.
  5. It has a sucker, thick shell, feeds on young seaweed and breathes using a gill.
  6. It is streamlined and has hooked claws to grip rocks.
  7. Resources.
  8. Light, water and space.
  9. They have deep roots and are resistant to many weed-killers.
  10. an animal that kills other animals for food.
  11. More prey.
  12. They rise and fall too, but lag behind the peaks and troughs of their prey.
  13. A population.
  14. a) rosebush, b) the sea.
  15. Light, overcrowding, food and water, disease, climate, predators, oxygen and shelter.